My Newest Project and a Question.

Some days ago I threw a hurricane candle holder on the pottery wheel. Because I’m using porcelain, which isn’t clear and only slightly translucent when it is very thin, I like to carve into the lamp area to allow light through from the inside creating a work of beauty. The following two days I spent time drawing, carving, and perfecting said hurricane. I will spend some more time on the piece when I paint it with underglazes after it’s fired for the first time, then I will fire it again to set the underglaze. After firing the second time, a coat of clear glaze is painted on the piece and it is fired the final time.

If i may, I have a question for you, my readers and customers. My personal aesthetic and preferences are usually so very different from the preferences of the general population that I really have no idea what people want to see and buy. So please tell me, what would you like to see made? What is it that you would like to purchase?  Please reply to this post, or to my Facebook page, or on Twitter.

Thank you and I look forward to your suggestions. 


(the following photos are a glimpse into my process)

Photo from which the flower on the hurricane is based, shot with my iPhone, 2016, Ohau, Hawaii
Beginning the process, drawing on the greenware.
First phase of the carving process. (honestly, all I could see was a 5 blade boat prop)


Close a finished carving.
Finished with the carving  and smoothing. Into the kiln after it’s dry. (no more boat prop, only flower!)

A Custom Order for Christmas.

Hello all!

I want to let everyone know that October 15 will be my last day to accept any orders for custom pieces needed by Christmas. I need time to make the item, fire the item, Glaze the item, then fire it again, and then time to pack and ship said item.

So please hurry and get your custom orders submitted!!


Much love,



New/Old Items Listed on Etsy

Hi Everyone,

Or no one,, just me.. I was clearing out some space in my garage to expand and organize my studio space a bit better so I unpacked some boxes that had been packed for almost 2 years. In them I found some gems from my days as a college student, you know,, way back in 2013, that I decided to list in my Etsy shop,

I found a stunning black on black vase, the cobalt black oxide stain under the glossy metallic black glaze providing contrasts in texture, color, shine, really speaks to me as an artist. It is one of my favorite pieces that I’m willing to part with.  ;D

Next is a vase a bit larger than I normally make, with white crackle, red, and black glazes. The unique thing about this one, is it was Raku Fired. A very fun method for the pyromaniac within, getting the pottery to a cherry red, almost molten temperature, then using long tongs and heat resistant gloves, taking the pottery from the kiln and laying it in a bed of flammable materials to watch is burn! Then after a few minutes we cover the piece in is flaming bed with a metal bucket to reduce the oxygen in the atmosphere around the piece to help the colors develop in their completely unique way. Though the Raku method is not a food safe type of glaze or method, it is a stunning one to look at and perform.

I’m getting tired of typing, so you can check out my Etsy shop for the other pieces I found. ;D

Have a fabulous day!


I finally figured out how to write a new post.

Hi all,

Or no one as the case may be. I’m writing this just for me… I finally brought home new things to post on my Etsy site; a mug, bowl, vase, vase, and vase. I think that was all. Let me see if I can figure out how to get a photo on here also…………………………

HA!!! I did it!!!! YAY for me!! I’m so non tech savvy it’s ridiculous, but I am learning… albeit very slowly.

I have to say that I am so happy and very content with life at the moment. I’m enjoying being able to create, make my own schedule, and take breaks or vacations when I want to without having to get it approved or my request granted.  Buuuuuut, I’m not making enough money yet. I know it will take time, I just hope it happens sooner rather than later.

I’m applying to be a vendor at my community food truck night! I don’t know if I’ll get in, but it’s a starting point. I also need to look at an opportunity to be a vendor/have a display in Art Trax. It is in the same city as the community college where I am a volunteer classroom aid. Art Trax takes place in the downtown area of Pittsburg California, businesses offer their store fronts as a venue, and artists set up booths to show and sell their artwork.  I definitely need to get off my duff and look into that. I tend to approach new ventures slowly at first, yet sometimes I just dive in head first. I’m also slightly hesitant because I’m trying to build an inventory large enough to show, also I need to make a custom order form for the mugs that I make with the letters as handles, and get myself mentally prepared to deal with the public. (Having worked in retail for many years, this should not be a problem for me, yet……..)

OK, It’s late and I need to get some rest now. Busy day tomorrow.



Nice to meet you,

Hello everyone,

This is my first ever post on my first ever website belonging to me. Needless to say I’m a bit nervous. I’m starting this website to promote my new ceramics business. I set a goal in 2015 to have a ceramics studio up and selling in 5 years. In 2016 I took a life changing vacation. The month I was gone on vacation changed me in so many important ways that I can’t express. It was enlightening, fulfilling, and freeing. I came home and just couldn’t go back to my retail job, so I quit. I also realized that I hadn’t acted towards my 5 year goal, which at that moment I decided to change. I also realized that I was so physically exhausted on my days off that I couldn’t do anything but rest. That had to change.

Soon after I bought some used pottery equipment, signed up for a class, and also became an instructional aid in the sculpture/ceramics studio at the community college I graduated from in 2013. I opened a shop on this year, and since then I have been helping students, producing pieces, taking custom orders, and completely loving life!

I look forward to meeting new people, experiencing new challenges, and making this business a success.

My shop is[1]