Nice to meet you,

Hello everyone,

This is my first ever post on my first ever website belonging to me. Needless to say I’m a bit nervous. I’m starting this website to promote my new ceramics business. I set a goal in 2015 to have a ceramics studio up and selling in 5 years. In 2016 I took a life changing vacation. The month I was gone on vacation changed me in so many important ways that I can’t express. It was enlightening, fulfilling, and freeing. I came home and just couldn’t go back to my retail job, so I quit. I also realized that I hadn’t acted towards my 5 year goal, which at that moment I decided to change. I also realized that I was so physically exhausted on my days off that I couldn’t do anything but rest. That had to change.

Soon after I bought some used pottery equipment, signed up for a class, and also became an instructional aid in the sculpture/ceramics studio at the community college I graduated from in 2013. I opened a shop on this year, and since then I have been helping students, producing pieces, taking custom orders, and completely loving life!

I look forward to meeting new people, experiencing new challenges, and making this business a success.

My shop is[1]

Author: 1CuteAngelCeramics

Just a gal trying to create art, make people happy, and enjoy life.

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