I finally figured out how to write a new post.

Hi all,

Or no one as the case may be. I’m writing this just for me… I finally brought home new things to post on my Etsy site; a mug, bowl, vase, vase, and vase. I think that was all. Let me see if I can figure out how to get a photo on here also…………………………

HA!!! I did it!!!! YAY for me!! I’m so non tech savvy it’s ridiculous, but I am learning… albeit very slowly.

I have to say that I am so happy and very content with life at the moment. I’m enjoying being able to create, make my own schedule, and take breaks or vacations when I want to without having to get it approved or my request granted.  Buuuuuut, I’m not making enough money yet. I know it will take time, I just hope it happens sooner rather than later.

I’m applying to be a vendor at my community food truck night! I don’t know if I’ll get in, but it’s a starting point. I also need to look at an opportunity to be a vendor/have a display in Art Trax. It is in the same city as the community college where I am a volunteer classroom aid. Art Trax takes place in the downtown area of Pittsburg California, businesses offer their store fronts as a venue, and artists set up booths to show and sell their artwork.  I definitely need to get off my duff and look into that. I tend to approach new ventures slowly at first, yet sometimes I just dive in head first. I’m also slightly hesitant because I’m trying to build an inventory large enough to show, also I need to make a custom order form for the mugs that I make with the letters as handles, and get myself mentally prepared to deal with the public. (Having worked in retail for many years, this should not be a problem for me, yet……..)

OK, It’s late and I need to get some rest now. Busy day tomorrow.



Author: 1CuteAngelCeramics

Just a gal trying to create art, make people happy, and enjoy life.

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