New/Old Items Listed on Etsy

Hi Everyone,

Or no one,, just me.. I was clearing out some space in my garage to expand and organize my studio space a bit better so I unpacked some boxes that had been packed for almost 2 years. In them I found some gems from my days as a college student, you know,, way back in 2013, that I decided to list in my Etsy shop,

I found a stunning black on black vase, the cobalt black oxide stain under the glossy metallic black glaze providing contrasts in texture, color, shine, really speaks to me as an artist. It is one of my favorite pieces that I’m willing to part with.  ;D

Next is a vase a bit larger than I normally make, with white crackle, red, and black glazes. The unique thing about this one, is it was Raku Fired. A very fun method for the pyromaniac within, getting the pottery to a cherry red, almost molten temperature, then using long tongs and heat resistant gloves, taking the pottery from the kiln and laying it in a bed of flammable materials to watch is burn! Then after a few minutes we cover the piece in is flaming bed with a metal bucket to reduce the oxygen in the atmosphere around the piece to help the colors develop in their completely unique way. Though the Raku method is not a food safe type of glaze or method, it is a stunning one to look at and perform.

I’m getting tired of typing, so you can check out my Etsy shop for the other pieces I found. ;D

Have a fabulous day!


Author: 1CuteAngelCeramics

Just a gal trying to create art, make people happy, and enjoy life.

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