My Newest Project and a Question.

Some days ago I threw a hurricane candle holder on the pottery wheel. Because I’m using porcelain, which isn’t clear and only slightly translucent when it is very thin, I like to carve into the lamp area to allow light through from the inside creating a work of beauty. The following two days I spent time drawing, carving, and perfecting said hurricane. I will spend some more time on the piece when I paint it with underglazes after it’s fired for the first time, then I will fire it again to set the underglaze. After firing the second time, a coat of clear glaze is painted on the piece and it is fired the final time.

If i may, I have a question for you, my readers and customers. My personal aesthetic and preferences are usually so very different from the preferences of the general population that I really have no idea what people want to see and buy. So please tell me, what would you like to see made? What is it that you would like to purchase?  Please reply to this post, or to my Facebook page, or on Twitter.

Thank you and I look forward to your suggestions. 


(the following photos are a glimpse into my process)

Photo from which the flower on the hurricane is based, shot with my iPhone, 2016, Ohau, Hawaii
Beginning the process, drawing on the greenware.
First phase of the carving process. (honestly, all I could see was a 5 blade boat prop)


Close a finished carving.
Finished with the carving  and smoothing. Into the kiln after it’s dry. (no more boat prop, only flower!)

Author: 1CuteAngelCeramics

Just a gal trying to create art, make people happy, and enjoy life.

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